how to anonymize your submission
Preserving the anonymity of authors is integral to our double-blind review process. To help the TMU Law Review maintain the confidentiality of its authors, we ask that authors anonymize their work before submitting it.
If you have questions about this process, please contact our editorial team.
Instructions for anonymizing a Word document
1. In your Word document, select "File > Info"
2. Go to the "Inspect Document" section
3. Select "Check for Issues > Inspect Document"
4. Check the box for "Document Properties and Personal Information"
5. Select "Inspect"
6. Word will inspect the document for the selected properties
7. Once the inspection is complete, select "Remove All" in the "Document Properties and Personal Information" section
8. Word will remove all document and author properties in the file
9. Select "File Save" to save the anonymized version
1. In your Word document, select "Tools > Protect Document"
2. In the pop-up under the "Privacy" heading, select “Remove personal information from this file on save,” and select OK
3. Select "File Save" to save the anonymized version